At this time, trainings will be conducted at a public park or customer's homes.

Security Drivers

A Security Driver is a trained and experienced driver capable of handling nearly any vehicle under nearly any road conditions. Additionally, our Security Drivers are trained in hand-to-hand combat, disarming techniques, and medical trauma care. This is a great option for families traveling away from home.

Our Security Drivers travel with you as a member of your party and are at your service to ensure your safe arrival.

In case of a violent encounter or natural or man-made disasters on the road, you’ll be glad to be riding with one of our professional Security Drivers at the wheel.

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Body Guard

Hawkeye PSD’s Personal Security Details (PSD) is our proudest and most prestigious service. 

Our professional bodyguards travel with you as a member of your party wherever you go and are at your service until the completion of the contracted detail. 

Our agents are trained and experienced sharpshooters and have additional training in tactical medical trauma care, evasive driving, land navigation, wilderness and/or urban survival, and hand-to-hand combat with an emphasis on handling multiple attackers.

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