Frequently Asked Questions
I'm a big guy. Why do I need training?
Everyone needs training. No one is born knowing how to fight. Size matters but with very rare exception is not the deciding factor in any fight. Using the right techniques, a small fighter can easily defeat a larger and stronger attacker. This has been proven many times in UFC and KoTC events. Hawkeye PSD’s owner, Jonah Fontenot, has been in more than 40 street fights and none were against a similar-sized attacker.Many techniques he teaches in his classes are best used by smaller people against larger and stronger attackers. So your size will not matter against one of his students.If I put my child in your class, will he/she be hurt?
That’s possible but unlikely. We keep 1st aid kits at the ready in all our classes and our staff know how to handle problems that come up. But if an injury is to occur, the training environment is the place for it rather than in a real fight.There is an old expression that guides combat students worldwide: As we sweat more in training, we bleed less in battle.This means when our training is more intense and demanding, we develop more skills and become stronger and tougher thus creating a higher likelihood of winning later.But in any case, sheltering your child from the offense of a nosebleed or sprained ankle that may occur in training is not the way to protect him or her. In fact this will be very damaging if your child is confronted by a criminal or bully at school. Sheltering your children doesn’t make you a good parent. Nor does it in any way help your child. They need profound challenges even if they risk a bruise or stubbed toe.I don't want my child to learn that violence is the way to solve problems.
Well the fact is sometimes violence is the solution. One can’t talk his way out of every potentially violent encounter. Nor should one be so compelled. And one should never have to give away what he has in order to pacify a criminal who demands his property. This only promotes violent criminal activity by rewarding bad behavior. It also increases the likelihood of another attack later.
Do you work with weapons in any of your personal defense classes?
Yes, sometimes we simulate attacks against unarmed victims using plastic bats or rubber guns and knives. We teach effective and efficient disarming techniques that almost anyone can use against single or multiple attackers.
I need special training that isn't listed in any of your course descriptions.
In a private class, we can customize a curriculum just for you based on your needs. I’ve done this for people who planned to get into combat arms in the military, wheelchair-bound students, and for a couple in their golden years who had physical limitations that couldn’t be overcome. In the private setting, we can do just about anything.Why does Hawkeye PSD LLC discriminate against those with whom you disagree politically?
We can handle disagreement. That’s fine. What we find intolerable is the rise of anti-American sentiment which is promoted by the political Left. Also, as we don’t promote racism or violence against innocent people, we decided to never train anyone associated with the political Left. This includes Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, Until Freedom, Muslim Brotherhood, Nation of Islam, CAIR, Palestinian Authority, Hamas, any of the Mexican drug cartels, members of any street gangs, or anyone who identifies as or in any way supports or promotes Communism, Marxism, Socialism, or any other Left Wing ideologies. Additionally, we don’t train those who identify as or claim to be Sovereign Citizens or members of Right-wing groups that claim the US government controls hurricanes and earthquakes and sprays cancer-causing chemicals in the air to kill literally everyone in the world. We find that to be absolutely ludicrous and intolerable as it promotes hatred of America.
Can I bring kids who are not participating?
Absolutely! When you book your class, there is a “Visitor” option where you can add the number of people coming with, but are not participating. Examples are kids who are too young for the class and situations where a parent doesn’t have a sitter. This helps us know who will be at the class, even if there are members not attending the class.
What if my children are below the age limit but really want to attend?
So long as the parent approves of the children being a part of a class that is above their age, we are happy to welcome them! If this is the case, feel free to book as normal, but add in the notes the actual age of the children. Thanks!
I don't want my child to learn that violence is the way to solve problems.
In all our kids’ classes, we emphasize respect, safety, and modesty both in dress and manner. Our students learn how to present themselves as victors, rather than victims, and to be dangerous when necessary. The rest is up to the parents.
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